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Governor Vacancies

We are looking for Trust Appointed Local Governors to join us.

Please contact the Clerk to Governors, or Chair of Governors via email (details are below) or the school office for further information and we would be delighted to talk you through the different roles.

The purpose of governance is to provide confident, strategic leadership, and to create robust accountability, oversight, and assurance for educational and financial performance.

All boards, no matter what type of schools or how many schools they govern, have three core functions:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;

  • Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff; and

  • Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent (link to DfE Financial Benchmarking)

The Coombes Governors are responsible to The Keys Academy Trust for monitoring and evaluating the performance and effectiveness of our school, working closely with the Headteacher and staff. They act as a critical friend and are not involved in the day to day working of the school but work more strategically looking at how we can achieve our vision of -

A Love of Learning Grows Here

All Governors are volunteers. They are appointed to the Local Governing Body (LGB), by The Keys Academy Trust or by the Diocese in consultation with the Trust and The Coombes. Elections take place within school to elect our parent and staff governors, so look out for information on future vacancies.

Governors begin committee meetings with a Prayer.


Our current Governors are-
  1. Luke Henderson (HT) Ex-officio from Oct 2021
  2. Kat Foster (DHT - Associate Member)
  3. Christopher Peck (Chair of LGB and H&S Governor) - Foundation Governor, with a 4-year term commencing 13 March 2024 
  4. Emma Lawrence - (Finance Governor) Elected by Parents, with a 4-year term commencing 17 June 2024,
  5. Kate MacKrell  Elected by Parents, with a 4-year term commencing 15 November 2022
  6. Alan Goold - Appointed by the Trust, with a 4-year term commencing 13 July 2023
  7. Davide Baldanzi - Appointed by the Trust, with a 4-year term commencing 11 July 2024
  8. Jacqueline Yang - (Finance Governor) Appointed by the Trust, with a 4-year term commencing 3 October 2024, 
  9. Staff Governor - Vacancy

If you wish to contact our Local Governing Body or Christopher Peck, our Chair of Governors, please email the Clerk:

For Governor meeting attendance for the 2023-2024 academic year, please see the document below.

For Governor Business Declaration of Interests for the 2024-25 academic year, please see the document below.

Governing Board Diversity Data

As a school, we recognise that a diversity of thought, voices and perspectives are essential to good governance and the effective running of any organisation. We regularly collect diversity information from our governors and, depending on current data, can use this to:

  • Target recruitment to address gaps in experience and diversity
  • Develop and adapt board practices to ensure full participation
  • Prioritise training and awareness-raising in identified areas
  • Address potential ‘blind spots’ through seeking wider advice and perspectives on current and upcoming opportunities, challenges and risks

However, we are unable to publish this information as it would mean that individual members of our governing body are identifiable.