Our School thrives on a culture of high expectations where everyone is committed to making a real difference to the children in our care.
We aim to give our children the very best possible start to their education, developing personal aspirations and a lifelong love of learning.
To view our admissions policies and appeals timetable, please use the following links:
Admissions Policy 2024-2025 Determined
Admissions Policy 2025-2026 Determined
Wokingham Borough Council manage our Admissions and Waiting Lists.
For in-year applications, or to be added to a Waiting List, please apply here -
Nursery and Reception Places for September 2024
We are delighted that you are considering The Coombes Church of England Primary School as the school for your child.
For nursery applications, please visit our Orchard Nursery page
We still have places available for our current Reception classes(2023-2024 Academic year).
Please register your child's details with school admissions on the Wokingham Borough Counicl's Citizen Portal, to receive reminder emails about when to apply for a school place.
Please read the parent''s guide to starting primary school (PDF) document). This contains all statutory information you need to know about applying for a school place.
Parents/carers will be offered a reception class place for September 2024 via their Local Authority on Tuesday 16th April 2024. This is called the National Offer Day.
Applications are now closed - the deadline for submission was 15th January 2024. Please contact Wokingham Borough Council if you still need to apply for a school place for the 2024-2025 academic year.
In-Year Admissions
If you would like your child to join our school during the current academic year, please contact Wokingham Borough Council who manage our admissions by following this link
The arrangements for admission to the school in the academic year September 2024-25 have now been determined, the policy can be found at the top of the page.